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optiphi® Helix Breast, Ovarian and Prostrate Cancer DNA Test

The intention of the optiphi® Helix Breast, Ovarian and Prostrate Cancer Test is to screen a panel of markers that have been commonly associated with the development of breast cancer with some markers also associated with increased risk for ovarian and prostate cancer. The screening of these markers creates awareness to the potential risks associated with these cancers.

From this panel of markers, it is possible to determine an odds ratio based on the detected mutations. This odds ratio is not a diagnostic value, but merely a guide to determine the risk ratio from a genetic perspective, it is not intended to be a diagnosis or prediction for future health.

It is important to understand that there are several risk factors involved in breast cancer, with genetics contributing only a portion to overall susceptibility.

Common risk factors which an individual can control include;

  • Weight
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Diet high in saturated and trans fatty acid
  • Lack of exercise Smoking
  • Exposure to oestrogen
  • Recent oral contraceptive use (females) Sexually transmitted diseases Vasectomy (males)

 Risk factors which and individual cannot control include:

  • Gender, age, race Nulliparity (females)
  • Family history of breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
  • Personal history of breast, ovarian or prostate cancer
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Changes in your breast
  • Carriers of genetic risk mutations


To find out more about the Helix Breast, Ovarian and Prostrate Cancer Test contact our genetics team at dnalab@optiphi.com.

Click here locate your nearest Helix Medical Professional to obtain your Helix Breast, Ovarian and Prostrate Cancer DNA Test.